Chiseling to Heaven

I believe dreams are a way for the universe to send you a message.  I had a very mysterious dream a few weeks ago.  My mind has been through plenty of great journeys, but the journey my mind went through on this night was very unique.  The start of my dream has been very faded in my memory, but I remember walking down a street in a small town.  Darkness covered the sky.  The weather was cold, and snow was falling from above.  The sidewalks were covered in heaps of snow.  Only a few street lamps were lit, and all the local stores were closed.  The frozen theme may have come from the window being open in my room.

As I walked down the street I reached a giant wall of ice.  I couldn’t see how deep or high the ice was, but a voice inside me said there was something on the other side.  Next, I looked down to my right to find a one foot long chisel with a wooden handle.  Without thinking about it I picked up the chisel and took the first swing.  I’m not sure what drove me to take a stab at it right away.  Maybe I swung out of curiosity.

I didn’t initially believe I would reach the other side of the ice wall, but it felt good to take the first step.  After the first swing, I set the chisel down for a minute and took a break as I contemplated what in the world I was doing.  Why was I chiseling through this sheet of ice?  What was on the other side of this sheet?  The mysteriousness is what initially drove me to pick up the chisel for the second swing.  Instead of dropping the chisel after the second swing, I immediately took another one.  Barely any ice disappeared from my first three swings, and once again I questioned why I was swinging.

It seemed a bit ridiculous for me to keep chiseling at a sheet of ice when I had no idea if I could ever make it through.  Why would I keep chiseling when I really didn’t know what was on the other side of the sheet?  Why did I keep chiseling when I could just go back to my warm home, to lay on my comfy couch, and watch TV.  Something in me told me I should keep swinging, so I picked up the chisel and took a few more swings.  Part of my mind told me that I would never get through the sheet of ice, but another part of my mind told me I could do anything.

After swinging the chisel fifty or more times, I started to think about what other people would think of me if they saw me chipping away at the ice.  I started to feel fear sink in.  How many people would think I’m insane for chiseling at a never ending sheet of ice?  Next, I thought about how awesome it would be to have a friend to help me chisel.  After I took a few more swings, I started to feel more confident in my ability to knock off more pieces of ice.  I began to feel stronger as I kept chipping away.  As my chiseling increased at a rapid rate, I looked back and could no longer see the town.  If anyone was talking about me in town I don’t think I would have been able to hear them.  Suddenly I felt more free to pick up the chisel and go until I reached the other side.  I didn’t care if it took me an eternity to to reach the other side of the ice.

With a smile on my face, I finally began to see colors on the other side of the ice.  Power arose in me as I slammed the chisel into the ice over and over again.  Nothing in the world mattered to me at that point because I knew something great was on the other side.  As I picked up the chisel and swung my last swing, I felt something I’ve never felt before.  The ice shattered, and I felt an abundance of emotions rush to my body.  The feeling started at the crown of my head and filtered through my body and into my heart.  Love, gratitude, and joy beamed through me like a laser.  The other side of the ice was covered in the most mystical colors I’ve ever seen.  My words cannot described all the instant sensations I felt.  I felt whole.

Breaking through that ice meant more to me than anything.  I’ve found myself in similar situations in real life, but I always give up.  My dream told me that bliss is on the other side of adversity.  Something told me that night to never give up on my dreams.  My dream showed me who I really am, and I encourage you to follow me.

“We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”

– Jim Rohn

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